Sunday, June 9, 2024

Infinite Stratos Season 2

After waking up to feeling something hard, Ichika opens his eyes to find Laura's foot on his face. She then shows him a poster of a festival and asks if he would go with her. Ichika accepts and then proceeds to ask all the other girls individually if they would go with him. While each one is excited to get his invitation, their joy turns to anger once it's time to meet up. However, they all decide that since they prepared to go they might as well enjoy it. Each of them try to pull Ichika away from the others to get some alone time, but will it actually work?

Ah, Harem anime. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people wish they had one of their own. However, I think Infinite Stratos Season 2 is a good example of what a pain it is to be in a harem. For one, I didn't think anyone was more clueless than Natsuru from Kampfer, but I believe that Ichika Orimura is on equal footing with him. What I feel for Ichika is pure pity, because every one of the girls in his harem tries to kill him. There is one good thing about Infinite Stratos Season 2 and that is Kanzashi Sarashiki. She seems to be the only girl in the series that is able to think logically aside from her sister Tatenashi Sarashiki. Kanzashi happens to be a normal human being that doesn't attack Ichika for no reason. While he can be clueless and insensitive I don't think that warrents being constantly shot at. There is quite a bit of fan service in this season. It has a shower scene, a pool scene, a hot springs scene, as well as multiple scenes where you see girls in their underwear. There is quite a bit of swearing as well. Overall, I wouldn't suggest it unless you are a harem fan and don't mind fan service.

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