Monday, June 24, 2024

TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2

After his fight with Sofia Bulga the Dragon Slayer, Makoto Misumi heads to Rotsgard to enroll in the academy. However, due to a mistake by Rembrandt Makoto is taking the teacher employment exam, rather than the one for students. While he struggles at first because of his overwhelming power, Makoto is able to find ways to minimize it so he can attack the targets he needs while keeping them in tact. After finishing up Makato is made a part time teacher. After meeting with a full time teacher called Bright, Bright decides to send over some of his students who he thinks might be interested in Makoto's class. While the students underestimate him at first, there opinion instantly changes after seeing a mock battle between Shiki and Makato. While this wasn't what he had planned, will Makoto be able to fulfill his goals without drawing the attention of the goddess? 

Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 was a lot better than I was expecting. While season 1 was entertaining, seeing Makoto as a teacher and how the students accept Makoto and his teachings brought a totally different but great feeling to the show. Also the forest ogre Eris definitely became my favorite character this season. the season remains modest with the exception of the hero Hibiki wearing a revealing outfit in the last two episodes, as well as the Gorgons in the episodes they appear in. If you enjoyed Tsukimichi Season 1, I would definitely suggest giving Season 2 a try as well.

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