Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld (Season 4)

After defeating Quinella the Administrator Alice and Kirito went back to their childhood home in Rulid Village. However, believing that Alice is still a criminal the village elder refuses to let them live there. They are permitted to live just outside the village though. One day Alice's apprentice Eldrie arrives in Rulid and tells them that war is coming. While Kirito desires to fight as well, he unfortunately lost his ability to speak, move, and convey emotions. Nevertheless, Alice is determined to keep him safe before anyone else. Will he be able to recover and save the people of the underworld?

Sword Art Online Season 4 was completely different from all the previous seasons. Previously each season had many battles that would all last less than an episode. However, War of the Underworld is one continuous battle, which I think is cool. The characters all dress modestly. There is a lot of swearing though.

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