Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Sword Art Online: Alicization (Season 3)

After getting injected with the poison that Death Gun used by Johnny Black, Kirito wakes up in a world that he had been before, but completely forgotten. There he meets a boy named Eugeo who for the past seven years has been chopping away at a tree called the Gigas Ceder also known as The Demon Tree. This tree is as hard as steel and generations of people have cut at it everyday for the last three hundred years. Because Kirito doesn't know anything about this new world Eugeo believes that his memory was erased by the god Vecta. Knowing that his story won't be believed if Kirito goes to the nearest village alone, Eugeo offers to go with him. But it isn't just Kirito who has lost his memory. Will the Eugeo and Kirito be able to find out whats causing people to lose their memories and put a stop to it?

Sword Art Online: Alicization was pretty interesting. It starts out with him in the new world so I was confused at first, but they do a good job of explaining what's going on. There are a few parts that are immodest. In episode ten two girls are attacked and have part of their clothes ripped exposing their skin, in episodes twenty through twenty four Eugeo and Kirito fight a woman who is completely naked. There is also a scene where the male knight commander is taking a bath right before he fights Eugeo, but you only see his back exposed. All in all it was a cool experience to see kirito live and grow in a place that seems more real than the previous games he has played. In this world the characters aren't simple NPC's. Each character has goals and a history. If you liked the first two seasons I would highly suggest this.

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