Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Duke of Death and His Maid

Imagine never being able to touch the ones you love. This is the curse that was cast upon Duke by a Witch. Everything he touches instantly dies, this includes humans, animals, and plants. Cast aside by his family and friends, Duke lives in a mansion in the middle of the woods with only his maid Alice and his butler Rob for company. Despite all this, Duke is able to remain happy. Something is curious about his maid though. Rather than keeping her distance like everybody else she is constantly getting closer to him and isn't worried about his curse. While her presence and closeness are appreciated Duke is also constantly worried about what might happen if he accidentally touches her. Will they be able to break the curse?

The Duke of Death was enjoyable, but it was definitely a slow watch. When I say that I mean that this is one of those shows that even if you take a break from watching it, you don't have to go back to remember what happened. Every episode feels unique. I also really like the premise. I am really hoping that Alice and Duke are able to get together.  There some fan service throughout this season. Alice seems to constantly show off her cleavage as a way to tease the duke. You also see her undressed in her room, but the majority of her body is covered by her bedsheets. If you are looking for a cute romance, this one might be worth a try.

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