Friday, December 27, 2024

Gabriel Dropout Specials

After winning tickets to a hot springs inn, Satania, Gabriel, Vignette, and Raphiel travel by train to get there. While everyone packed light since they are only staying one night, Satania brought a large suitcase with her. Vignette, Gabriel, and Raphiel assume that she's excited to go to the hot springs, however, Satania has an evil deed planned that is sure to ruin Gabriel's day. After that the four girls meet a slightly blind girl while they are walking in the park. They soon learn that she is scheduled to have surgery in hopes of getting her eyesight back. While they wait for the operation day Satania, Gabriel, Vignette, and Raphiel each visit her individually and try to do what they can to help her.  

Gabriel Dropout Specials were more interesting than I thought they would be. It's been almost two years since I saw this one so I don't really remember the plot. Luckily you don't need to have any knowledge of the plot to enjoy these two special episodes. There is a Hot springs episode, but it is censored. If you want something interesting to watch while you don't know what else to watch, give these a try.

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