Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld (Season 4) Part 2

Just as things are looking bleak, with The Human Empire army completely surrounded Sinon appears. Using an administrative account by one of the creators of the Underworld she thins out the ranks of the army supporting Poh. Meanwhile Leafa appears before one of the ten commanders of the Dark Territory Army. He is feeling down because not only has he been discriminated against by the beings within the Dark Territory, but has just watched as thousands of members of his clan were sacrificed along with his love.  However, Leafa treats him no different than anyone else. Right after she had cheered him up the commander of the Dark Mages who sacrificed his people appears and attacks Leafa. Can Kirito's friends bring him back to his senses and stop the war?

Sword Art Online - War of Underworld Part 2 was pretty fun to watch. While it continued the war from Season 4 Part 1 it feels completely different. It remained mostly clean except for the part where Leafa is attacked by the Commander. The Dark Mage commander uses magic to replicate something akin to vines that wrap around Leafa and suck away her energy. The language remained clean throughout it which was nice. Overall if you watched the first part of Season 4 you should watch the 2nd Part as well. It kind of drags on partway through, but the beginning and ending are super good.

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