Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Liar, Liar

Hiroto Shinohara gets lost after just arriving to academy island due to neglecting the instructions on how to use his phone. He runs into a girl all by herself who helps him get to where he needs to. However right as they get to his district she is sprayed by a sprinkler which soaks her clothes. She then suspects that Hiroto set her up and challenges him to a game. A turn based version of a staring contest. However, if you react at all you lose. Both sides do okay until in the middle of the game the girl is sprayed again, which makes her embarrassed, causing her to lose the game. After arriving at Eimei academy Hiroto runs into trouble because while games are a daily occurrence on academy island he didn't beat just anyone. He beat Sarasa Saionji, the granddaughter of academy island's founder. She is known as the empress due to never having lost a game. She also happened to be a seven star, the highest rank someone can attain on academy island. The headmaster points out that there is a way to resolve the situation and tells him to look at his device. It is there that he sees a red star where his previous white star was. This red star has the ability to let you tell one lie. Hiroto uses this opportunity to announce to everyone that he is the strongest on academy island, a seven star, when really he has only one star. Will Hiroto be able to keep the act up despite his lack of skills?

Liar, Liar was really good in my opinion. It reminded me a lot of The asterisk war mixed with the Irregular at Magic High School if you took away the fan service from both of them. There isn't any swearing in the english sub, but in the english dub it swears around 5 times. In the first episode when Sarasa gets sprayed with the sprinkler her shirt becomes see through enough that you see the color of her bra, but not her skin. In episode 7 Shirayuki and Sarasa get in the bath with Hiroto, but in their swimsuits so they are not naked together. Besides that everybody dresses modestly.  I think it is definitely worth a watch. If you don't mind the things I mentioned I would suggest giving it a try. 

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