Monday, June 12, 2023

Phantom Thief Reinya

During the day Reinya is a normal girl who works at a convenience store, but by night she is the criminal known as phantom thief Reinya. Even though the police stop by the convenience store often it hasn't occurred to them that Reinya the convenience store clerk and phantom thief Reinya are the same person. Will the police be able to capture Reinya, or will she continue slipping right past them.

Phaantom Thief Reinya was actually really good. It kind of gave me Carmen Sandiego vibes which is really cool. It swears about once per episode which is a downside. While there is an officer who has her skirt flipped up by the fan it doesn't actually show anything, but it is still something to be aware of. If you want something short and different I would suggest this one.

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