Saturday, June 24, 2023

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Punch! (Season 2)

Yuna continues to help her friends starting with Miss Ans, who after making preparations is ready to move into Crimonia where Yuna has already set up a restaurant for her. She is then summoned by Ellelaura to help students at the royal magic academy. Yuna is originally against the idea but changes her mind when she hears that Shia will be part of it. No matter where she goes Yuna continues to change lives for the better.

I really liked this new season of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. You learn more about the characters that were in the original season as well as some new ones. I especially liked learning more about the kids from the orphanage and how they all have aspirations. There is also a good arc with Misa in it. There is no swearing in it, and nothing inappropriate happens either. Everyone dresses modestly and it just has a really nice vibe like the first season did. I would definitely suggest it for anyone who likes Isekai or even for someone who doesn't.

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