Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Uncle from Another World

After spending seventeen years in another world Yousuke Shibazaki awakens in a hospital bed greeted by his nephew. However, after speaking the language of the other world for so long, he is surprised to hear japanese, but recovers quickly. Yousuke's nephew Takafumi doesn't believe him until Yousuke shows him magic. After seeing it Yousuke decides to become a Youtuber and show his magic to the world. However, the majority of people believe it's just really good editing. As Yousuke and Takafumi get to know each other better Yousuke shares memories from his life in the otherworld using magic. What will become of this pair?

There are a lot of things I want to say about this anime. The way I would describe it is an isekai for people who hate isekai. I would have preferred that the story was told while he was in the other world instead of after it. However, the biggest problem is Yousuke, he complains that his time in the other world was terrible, but the majority of his misfortune was his fault. It bears some resemblance to Tsukimichi in that people believe he is a monster and the gift he was given is a language related. However, instead of finding a way to make relationships with people he pushes them away. He is like the main character in let me check the walkthrough first in that he would rather skip over important information rather than listen to it. This ends up causing a lot more trouble for him than it would had he listened and put his trust in people. I believe had he been kinder to the people around him it would make the quality of the anime a lot better. There is swearing in just about each episode but it wasn't super noticeable. There is a scene where you see Takafumi's childhood friend in the shower uncensored. There is also a hot springs scene where the hero Alicia gets in the hot springs with Yousuke wearing her clothes. There is also an absurd amount of times where Yousuke gets on top of somebody but doesn't realize its a bad thing.

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