Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Slime Diaries

All is calm in the nation of Tempest. Rimuru decides that he wants to further develop the way that they do things. Watch as the city of Rimuru starts farming to improve the town as well as create traditions like Christmas and New Years. However, the arrival of Milim starts to make some things a bit problematic. Will Rimuru be able to keep everyone happy?

While there wasn't any fighting in this spin off I still really liked it. I was really happy that Milim became a huge part of The Slime Diaries because I felt like she didn't really get any screen time in the main storyline despite declaring that she was going to stay in the Capital City Rimuru. There was an episode where you see Shuna, Shion, Soka, Gobta, and Rimuru in swimsuits, but Shion's is the only one that is revealing. There isn't as much swearing in this one so that was good.

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