Saturday, February 24, 2024

Peach Boy Riverside

Mikoto Kibitsu is a traveler who on his first day to a new kingdom runs into a girl named Saltherine who claims she is being chased by some bad men. He quickly learns that she is the princess, and the men chasing her are her guards. She tells Mikoto that she has spent her whole life inside the kingdom and what she wants more than anything is to leave and see the world. However, every time she has asked her father has turned her down. But while Mikoto and are talking an Ogre breaks into the Castle and makes an offer to the king that rather than destroying everyone all at once he is willing to spare the kingdom if he sacrifices thirty citizens a month. As Saltherine returns to the castle the king grants her wish of going on a journey, but Mikoto wipes out the Ogres using his sword and peach powers. A month later Saltherine tells her father that she will be leaving. So she casts aside her title, cuts her hair, and changes her name to Sally, as she creates a new start for herself. 

Peach Boy Riverside was really good in my opinion. However, if you watch it on Crunchyroll the episodes are not in chronological order. The Order is 4, 1, 2, 7, 11, 12, 5, 6, 3, 8, 10, 9. I really liked how Sally treats everyone equally and strives to build a world where all races can live in harmony. Another thing that I thought was cool was that the party she creates has a similar feel to Princess Connect Re:Dive. There is a bath scene but it is just Mikoto as a child along with his guardian, so nothing inappropriate is shown. The language stays clean as well. If the summary sounds interesting I would definitely give it a try.

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