Monday, April 10, 2023

Wolf Children

After meeting a mysterious man at her college who looks like he needs help, Hana decides to learn more about him. As She spends more time with him she learns that he is a werewolf and they get married. After having two kids Hana's husband dies and she decides to move to the country where less people will look into their situation. It is there that Hana raises Ame and Yuki while learning how to farm so she can provide for her kids. Watch Yuki and Ame grow up and see the events that make them identify themselves as either wolf or human. 

This Movie is really good. The language is completely clean. There is a part at the beginning where you see Hana and her husband shirtless but Hana is covered by her bedsheets so her chest isn't revealed. Besides that everybody dresses modestly. I would definitely suggest it. It goes at a good pace and the story is interesting if you like slice of life type anime. 

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