Saturday, April 15, 2023


One day while Suzume is on her way to school she runs into a man named Sota who asks her if she knows of any ruins nearby. After giving him general directions she feels compelled to go herself to the ruins. When she arrives Souta is nowhere to be found, but there is a door standing alone with no walls to hold it. After opening the door and walking through it she heads back to school where she sees what seems to be a fire, but she is the only one who can see it. When she arrives at the spot it is coming from she Sees Sota trying to close the door which she had left open. After helping him close the door she goes on a journey to try and close other doors throughout Japan before destruction can befall the cities.

Suzume was really good. It only swears a few times, and everybody dresses modestly throughout the movie. I love how real the characters feel and the beauty of the animation. More importantly I think the message it shares is really good and thats the importance of emotions. Sota says in the movie "emotions keep the world grounded." It's something that I had not considered, but when you think of a place that's abandoned, It doesn't feel the same as a place brimming with life. 

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