Saturday, February 11, 2023

Sword Art Online EXTRA EDITION

The majority of Sword Art Online EXTRA EDITION is basically a recap of the first season of the show. There is a bit of a new story where Kirito and his friends accept an underwater quest because Yui had said that she would like to ride a whale. The quest ends up being incredibly simple grab a pearl from the inside of an abandoned ruin type building where thieves have taken it. 

The Movie wasn't bad. However, in my personal opinion I am not a fan of movies that are mainly clips from the show. It only swears once or twice, however, the majority of the movie has the girls in swimsuits as they are teaching Suguha to swim while Kirito explains what happened in SAO and ALO. You also see Asuna in her underwear as well as with her clothes ripped apart as it is recapping events from the first season. So if you are not a fan of fan service I would say to avoid this one since it doesn't really add anything to the series.

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