Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Eminence in Shadow Season 2 Mini Anime

Gamma gathers The Seven Shadows together to try and make Mitsuboshi a brand that is recognized worldwide. She requests each persons help to find ways to further the company's branding. Alpha creates clothes that become Mitsuboshi's children line. Since Beta and Epsilon travel all over the world for their jobs they are asked to wear Mitsuboshi brand clothes to advertise it to different countries. Eta helps to create the banknotes that Mitsuboshi implements.

Just like season one The Eminence in Shadow Season 2 Mini Anime was super fun to watch. You get to see what happened behind the scenes of events in the series like the John Smith Arc, the hot springs date episode, etc. The language remains clean throughout the season. However, there is a bath scene with Epsilon, Beta, and Eta though. If you don't mind that I would definitely suggest giving this one a watch.

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