Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Tayutayu: Pure my heart

Yumina, Mashiro, and Ameri go to the arcade. When Mashiro goes to the whack-a-mole every single hole is filled with the cat Azrael. However, when Yumina goes to the whack-a-mole there is only one. While Yumina is walking she comes across Azrael again. He introduces himself and tells her that every day should be spent doing your best. He then says that he will do his best as he climbs inside a box that says adopt me.

Tayutayu: Pure my heart was honestly better than the actual show. I wish I could show this to more people and have them appreciate it. I found myself laughing during each episode. Each short is pretty funny. I especially loved the shorts Nue is in. Though my favorite has to be episode four when the entire cast is playing games like red light, green light. There is a scene where the girls are in a hot spring, as well as a scene where Mashiro, Yumina, and Mifuyu are wearing bikini's. The language is kept clean though. If you liked the main series, or just want something funny to watch, you should definitely check this out.

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