Monday, January 22, 2024

Bananya (Season 2)

Bananya has left his planet and is now exploring the wonders that earth has to offer. Sometimes the most interesting things can be found inside of your own house. Inside, Bananya experiences things like Tv, the refrigerator, bubbles made from soap, a balloon, and much much more. Rather than experiencing these things alone, Bananya has his friends Black Bananya, Tabby Bananya, Bananyako, Long-haired Bananya, and Baby Bananya join him in his adventures.

Bananya and the Curious Bunch Season 2 is clean and wholesome. Every episode is only about three minutes long so you can finish it pretty quick. While it is a quick watch it feels slow compared to other animes. In my opinion the first season was much more interesting. So I would watch Bananya and the curious bunch first to see if this is something that you would enjoy. 

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