Thursday, November 14, 2024

DearS: Is It A Golden Ball?

After being things at the market Miu gets her first raffle ticket. After spinning the wheel faster than anybody else and breaking the base of the machine she gets the first place prize. After getting a ticket to a nearby hot spring resort for up to four people Miu thinks first of her host family. Unfortunately they are going to be away the day of the trip, so Miu invites Takeya, Ren, and Nanako to go with her. Once they arrive they learn that the resort is much bigger than they expected. However, trouble arises when Nia follows them to capture Ren and their teacher Mitsuka Yoshimine puts her lack of morals on full display by intentionally using the mens bath instead of the women's. Will this truly be a relaxing break for Takeya?

DearS: Is It A Golden Ball? actually made me laugh. Rens innocence about the way things are in society make for some pretty funny situations. However, this episode is far more ecchi than your average hot springs episode. Mysterious mist can only do so much. So if you are the type to avoid anything ecchi I would suggest skipping over this one. 

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