Saturday, July 15, 2023


Ever since she was little Kotoko Iwanaga has been connected to the supernatural. Missing an eye and a leg, she is viewed as a goddess of wisdom to the Spectres and Ayakashi. Whenever they have disputes they call upon her to settle things. So trouble starts when the Yokai tell her there is a ghost going by the name of Steel Lady Nanase who is causing trouble for the other spirits. Unfortunately Steel lady Nanase cannot be reasoned with because she was created by the general public and rumors they spread. In order to overcome this Iwanaga can't do it alone so she asks her boyfriend Kuro Sakuragawa as well as a police officer named Saki to convince people that Steel Lady Nanase isn't real. Will she be able to crush a rumor that has spread all over the world?

In/Spectre was very good and lived up to the manga in my opinion. The language remained pretty clean. I believe it only swore two or three times. However, while Kuro and Iwanaga dress modestly throughout the season Steel Lady Nanase's dress is quite revealing and there are countless comments about her chest size. If you watch the english dub those comments will be significantly reduced since it doesn't translate the online comments. However, the online comments are a significant part of the story so I would watch it in sub if you want to know whats going on. Also in episode eight you see Kuro's cousin Rikka undressed for a brief second. There is also a scene in episode eleven where you see someone they label as A-san in the shower from the back. Iwanaga does make the occasional dirty joke so that is also something to be aware of. Overall I would definitely suggest it if you like mystery or things involving the supernatural.

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